So here's my first post of 2008..n whats better than writing about my resolutions for this new year. Well this is not the first time i m making resolutions, like all i m also used to make resolutions every each yr.. but don't know why not able to implement into reality.......thats really bad thing.... So my first resolution for that yr is
1. I will implement all the resolutions which i commit today in my life and will not try to avoid it. It is my first resolution and it should be bcoz always.....i don;t know why?? I used to avoid all my responsibilities n resolutions which i hv to do..neways....lets move to others.Another main problem with me is that i m not taking my responsibility very seriously.I mean I hv to be little more serious about my future , my career...n many things.. n bcoz of that my next resolution is ...
2. From that year, or i can say from today itself...i will be more serious about my career n future n will not do ne silly things which could affect it badly.....though i not done such things yet in my past also...n will try to continue the same thing. I will make sure that i will do well in my studies n will try to be consistent in that.i have a very bad habit to leave the things for tomorrow n not doing on that day on which it should be....and sometimes this habit of mine kept me in deep trouble which could be avoided by doing the same thing today itself..So my next resolution is.......
3. From this year i will make sure that ....i will not try to avoid the responsibility of mine n tries to do the work on the same day itself....whether it is related to my studies, my homework, assignments..or whatever..i will not leave it for tomorrow.I started that blog in August 2007 some 4 months ago but still i have only 6 posts on it..thats worst....i should have at least 10 to 15 posts on it....So my next resolution is related with my another bad..or worst habit.....
4. Hmmmm.......I m very lazzzzzzzzy when it comes to writing. And my blog suffers due to it...which i will not let to be happened any more this year...So i m making resolution that i will write as many posts as possible frequently n will not let my blog suffering bcoz of my lazzzzzyness any further. I started that blog to improve my communications skills as well as writing skills...but bcoz i was writing very few posts last year......i guess i not improved my skills that much so i should be more active when it comes to my blog......So guyz now u will see many posts in the coming future.........Be prepared ..to read it.My image among my friend, relatives, family is alwayz as a shy person, not very expressive or you can say a nice boy image...which is gud but sometimes having less expressive is not a good thing. In todays world...which is very competitive you should be as communicative, as expressive as possible because its the thing which makes you different from crowd. If u will not be expressive n will not be able to express your feeling and will not be able to communicate what you are thinking then you will surely lag behind and this competitive world will left you so behind ...from where you will not be able to come to the top again...Todays world is so fast and you should be as fast as it is. So my next resolution is....
5. From that year i will communicate as much as possible and will try to be more expressive as possible among my friends. Because in the past i suffered bcoz of that n thats the reason, why i don't had more friends in the past??? Now as i realize my negative point, i will try to remove that. And i am hoping that my close friends will help me in that.Thats enough i guess , making more resolutions further will not help me...so i m stopping here and now i will try to work on that....
Ohhh..... i forget another one
6. Last but not least ,,,, i will see the movie " Taare Zameen Par" as soon as possible.......hehehe...hey seriously guyz that movie is awesome n i am recommending all of you to see that movie if you not watched it still. I had read many reviews of that.....n now i m more curious to see the flick. Aamir Khan Rockzzzzzzzz.......So these are the resolutions which i commited...
I know u also have some resolutions as well..so best of luck for your resolutions also.....n A very very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 to all of you....I hope this new year will bring all the happiness in your n ur loving ones life....