I started that book on 12 noon when i was getting actually bored and finished it off in one go in 3 h n some odd minutes.That was strange for me but that is the magic of the story itself.Its very gripping which keeps u encouraging to read that book in one go.The main story revolves around 6 or i say 5 major characters who was working in a Call center situated at Gurgaon. They are 3 girls n 3 boys. The story itself set in one night, the night that was not like any other night shift for them but a night that had changed their lives forever as they got a phone call, a phone call from GOD....So the story is all about how theym cope with a very unfamilier situations and sore truth of their lives.
The book is actually very interesting..Its a very dark, witty novel and still written in a very easy way.The book is fun to read.Their are many situations or i can say part of lifes of the characters which u think resembles with your own lives. That book is very nicely written by a award winning author with a very strong message for todays youth.i recommend that book to all of you to read if u still don;t know about it...which is a rare chance as that book is still topping the bestseller list.
I have to thank my friends who told me to read that novel as it teaches me many things and also because of that very interesting novel now i m more eager to read more books..which surely will improve my reading as well as writing skills.Thnks Guyz....
So Are u ready to take a Call.........
Mahi will get back to you when i read it. Now that you have posted abt it beautifully it has become mandatory for me to read it.
yap its a nice novel by chetan bhagat.................. n its nice that u hv read dis..........
also read five point someone by chetan bhagat....its an equally gud book
When compared with Five Point Someone, I feel that this novel falls weaker.
I'd suggest you to read FPS, you'd love it!
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